DC Alimentari
Brands International is brand owner of the Italian specialities brand "DC Alimentari Denominazione Controllata"
The DC Alimentari seal guarantees that the products are manufactured from carefully selected raw materials with Italian guarantee of origin.
It ensures that an "Aceto Balsamico di Modena" is the original one from Modena complying with the requirements of the standard to which they are certified/registered, or Italian olive oil was actually pressed from Italian olives.
Due to the enormous variety of products from all regions of Italy these specialities experiencing a strong worldwide demand.
The commercial success and volume growth have unfortunately led to severe loss of quality, and many products have lost their original character.
Based on more than 20 years of experience in the sector "Italian delicacy" we have the necessary skills and contacts to small and medium-sized Italian producers whose philosophy is still the "quality" and not "quantity".
Check out details on www.dcalimentari.com